About Me 關於我

My name is Lee FuuChang, and I am a Senior-High student, I specifically love developing AI related stuffs. I love spending time on debuging, optimizing my program, and also doing Data-Analyzing. I also enjoy communicating with and asking other programers questions, learn from them and improve myself.
I started to learn programing in high-school, when i first met python, i started to have a crash on it. It doesn't what project or Exam I am taking, i just want to use python to solve it. The process of me debugging and seeing all my effort worked out, that feeling, it's just so satisfing.
I goal is to build an AI assistant that is capable of communicating with real human perfectly, like the one in "Her", which has emotions, communicating and understanding ability. And furthermore, like Jarvis in "Iron-man", which is accountable, smart, and is able to make lift much more convenient.

我的名字叫 李福昌,我是一名高中生,特別喜歡開發 AI 相關程式,樂於將時間花在除錯、優化和資料分析上。也特別享受與 Clubhouse 上的其他不同國家程式設計師互相交流、詢問他們問題,從他們身上學習並精進。
